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Relationship Issues: 5 Ideas For Self-Care When Love Is Hard

Relationship Issues Aren’t Uncommon

Relationship issues happen to the best of us. They’re simply unavoidable, especially in long-term relationships, and the good news is that they can often be quite helpful.

Expecting a few lows with the highs of love is a practical way to approach growth. It takes a lot of time, commitment, and dedication for two people to get to a place of deep understanding.

And even when you get to that place, it’s not to say you won’t ever have another relationship problem in your life. (If the issue is recurring, you might want to consider setting hard boundaries in your relationship).

The best thing you can do during hard times in your relationship is take ownership over your feelings and behavior.

By doing this, you’ll feel more in control of your circumstances, lessen your anxiety, and be able to think more clearly. You’ll also be able to better process what you’re going through and practice more self-care (key for protecting your energy).

Read on for five intentional, meaningful self-care ideas for when you’re navigating through hard issues in your relationship.

1. Commit To Positive Self-Talk

Speak to yourself kindly, like a mother to a daughter, and offer words of support and encouragement. Saying a few nice things to yourself out loud while giving yourself a hug can help you feel less alone.

Recite positive mantras to boost optimism and reinforce an abundance mindset in your heart and head. Take things one day at a time, and try not to expect perfection (it’s unattainable).

Acknowledge that you are choosing to be an active participant in life and that you always have choices. This will help you accept what you’re going through so you can think through the right solutions.

Set internal boundaries to protect yourself from spiraling into guilt, shame, and other unproductive emotions. If you feel the familiar pull to emotionally beat up on yourself, veer back into those positive mantras and words.

2. Use Creativity To Release Energy

Understand that you have endless internal energy and that it deserves a productive outlet. It’s human nature to dwell on thoughts and feelings because of that energy. Give yours a distracting (in the best way) creative outlet.

Create thoughtful, healthy ways to explore your feelings whether through journaling, meditating, or therapy. Light some incense, a favorite candle, or palo santo to ground the energy of your space.

Find the freedom to move and express your physical body as needed without any expectations. This might mean going for a run, rocking out to your favorite rage music, or taking a fitness class. Whatever it is, aim for expression over perfection.

During uncertain times in your relationship, create a comforting routine you can rely on. This morning routine and thoughtful bedtime routine can help ground your energy and keep you connected to self.

3. Turn Proactive Thoughts Into Deliberate Actions

Choose a path of action and intention over empty wallowing. While it’s easy to want to curl up and cry – and you definitely should make time for that – you should also have an action plan.

Set goals with yourself and your partner to improve your future circumstances. Working together as a team can help you reconnect and acknowledge that you don’t want your relationship issues to recur. Read this post for tips on navigating fights more successfully together.

Prioritize compassion as a mutually understood baseline for communication. When you intentionally muster empathy for your partner, a lot will change, even if you don’t agree with them or their behavior.

Own your agency and accept that you play an equally active role in the outcome of your relationship. So, show up as your best self. Doing this will allow you to take ownership of your side of the street – regardless of your partner’s behavior.

4. Look At The Bigger Picture

Fight the urge to hyper-focus on your current set of circumstances as things can always evolve and change. Avoid doomsday, catastrophic thinking and simply hope for the best possible outcome for the both of you.

Ground yourself in the knowledge that you are more than this difficult moment. These mantras for anxiety can help you bring your attention back to the present moment. You are beautiful and whole.

Take time to visualize and plan for big-picture relationship goals – one, three, and five-years out. Even if you don’t feel like it! This will help you keep your perspective high-level so you don’t get stuck in the details of your current relationship issues.

Remember that your life is an intricately designed web that relies on many things for balance and contentment – not just your relationship. Diversify how you spend your time so you’re reminded of all the other rewarding things your life has to offer you.

5. Connect With Other Loved Ones

Reach out to friends and family instead of turning entirely inward and keeping everything to yourself. Even if it may be difficult, opening up can help you process with someone you trust.

Believe that others can help you and make space for them to do so. It can be hard to actively seek out support, but the reality is most people really enjoy helping those they care about. So don’t be afraid to say you need a little extra TLC.

Although relationship issues happen to everyone, they can also come with a lot of shame and guilt depending on what they are. Seek out therapy or professional support if those feelings become too strong to navigate.

The Love Intentionally Relationship Workbook

There’s no better time to do a relationship audit than when you’re feeling stuck in the middle of some hard stuff.

This 17-page Love Intentionally: 6 Essential Steps to Your Best Relationship workbook will help you take inventory of what’s working, what isn’t, and help you identify your needs.

Learn more about it and grab your copy today; you can print it or fill it out right in your PDF viewer and use it time and time again as a relationship health check + gratitude practice.

Relationship issues are a part of life. Even though you can’t avoid them entirely, you have the power to choose how to respond and react to your circumstances.

You’ve got this!

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