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Meditation for Anxiety: 5 Tips For A Mind-Calming Daily Practice

Find Your Way To Peace

There was a time in my life that was just full of change. I got married, I moved states (twice) thus dramatically upsetting my social circle, and I left my job at a startup to settle in with another company. I started working remotely for the first time ever. All within just a few years.

There was a ton going on, and I’d be lying if I said I felt grounded the whole way through. Many days simply ticked by: errands to run, meals to make, adventures to be had. I didn’t leave enough room for me.

Then at the end of that year, I realized I wanted (needed) to move into peace. I wanted to reconnect with my intuition, the energy of the universe, and find stillness within.

I was both grateful for the life I’d created and fatigued by the speed at which it went by.

Have you ever felt that way?

meditation for anxiety

I’d heard meditation could help with anxiety; to slow things down a bit and offer a new perspective. I had dabble in the past, but never committed.

This time, though, my anxiety was whispering discouraging, negative things to me whenever it had control. I wanted that control back.

So, inspired by a few great books (read to the end to see my list of favorites), I felt ready to do what I knew I needed: pursue a few moments of peace every single day. 

Here are five tips to embark on a meditation practice that can transform your life and alleviate anxiety. I encourage you to dive in – commit to practicing for a week and see what changes for you.

Couple your meditation time with these mantras for anxiety, to double down on the self-care.

1. Dedicate Time to Yourself

Set aside 10-30 minutes every morning for meditation. The benefits of meditating in the morning are:

  • Your emotions aren’t heightened or reacting to any stimuli.
  • Your energy isn’t drained by the news, Instagram, or the stress of the day.
  • You’re in a state of creation rather than consumption.
  • You’re coming out of a deep dream state so your intuition is locked in.
  • It’s a great time to sit with yourself and prepare for the day ahead.
  • It’s harder to come up with reasons to skip practice 🙂

When you make morning meditations a priority, you might find that you want to return to mini-meditations throughout the day as needed.

It’s like having a hydrating drink to quench your spiritual thirst.

Plus, if you make meditation just one part of an intentional morning, you’ll have a comforting routine to look forward to every day.

Meditation can charge you mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Pick a time that works best for you and block it out so you won’t be disturbed.

2. Honor Your Commitment

I meditated every single day for one month. I told myself I would, and I honored that promise. Some days I sat at length, wanting that stillness to continue forever.

Other days I only managed to squeeze in 5-10 minutes of mantras, visualizations, or silence before life pulled me in another direction.

The Universe Has Your Back takes the intimidation out of meditation. This book is chock full of real-world advice from Gabrielle Bernstein’s perspective: a woman in search of peace, love, and light. Get mantras, meditation tips, and a ton of inspiration from her story.

Top Pick

The beauty of meditation is you’ll reap the benefits and lessen anxiety even if it feels a little sloppy in the moment.

Challenge yourself to show up every day.

You won’t ever regret spending time on a meditation, no matter how short. 

3. Set an Intention for Each Sit 

Before any session, it’s helpful to have a goal in mind for what you want to channel, feel, or leave with.

Although the benefits of meditation are rarely tangible, setting a goal can help you show up and stay focused.

Some days you may visualize yourself moving through an upcoming event or meeting anxiety-free. In that case, focus on positive feedback and imagine a supportive cast of people alongside you.

Other days you may ask the universe to speak to you, so you might ask for guidance, healing, or a sign that you’re on the right track.

Simple mindfulness can bring benefits other times, where you count the breaths as they leave your body and gently redirect thoughts as they stray. 

Determine an intention for your practice as a whole – what would you like meditation to help you achieve? From there, find smaller goals for each sit that align with that motivation.

4. Let Yourself Mess Up

With total confidence, I can tell you that I have been nothing but a fumbling human through most of my sittings.

So, whether you’re restless, trying to kick a lingering thought, or changing mantras half-way through in an effort to more perfectly talk to the universe, these opportunities for imperfection doesn’t mean you’re not doing it right!

The Power of Now is a critically acclaimed book on mindfulness by Eckharte Tolle. Relieve yourself from suffering by staying in the moment using his practices.

Best Seller

Let yourself fumble. You’ll find that even the clumsiest of meditations still feels better than mornings gone without. 

5. Believe in What You Are Doing

The biggest takeaway in my deep dive into meditation was how powerful the mind is.

You really can access the depths of your being, reach the universe, and visualize greatness all within a few peaceful, still moments.

Meditation really can help you reframe your anxiety. You are more than just negative thought loops activated by vulnerabilities and the wild world around you.

And you probably know, like me, that your anxiety is not you.

With a meditation for anxiety practice you can chose to unearth the real you , with each cleansing breath and loving thought.

Surrender to what you cannot control (almost everything) and believe in the power of your journey. You are doing just fine.

When you have firm conviction in your ability to change, the obstacles standing in your way (like anxiety) become a lot less powerful.


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