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6 Ways to Stay Sane in Quarantine

We’re living in unprecedented times. We can act like we’re fine – and we might be getting used to it- but it’s far from normal. Staying sane during quarantine has graduated from a society-wide running joke – it’s a must.

My household made the decision to self-isolate just less than a week before California officially went on lockdown. I’m not going to lie, the first few weeks of quarantine were a breeze for me. I LOVED it. It was like my introvert’s dream-come-true (I identify as an ambivert). I spent time reading, puzzling, writing, napping, working, and catching up on my favorite shows. I had quality time to reconnect with my husband, love on my dog 24/7, and walk, if for no other reason than to admire the beautiful neighborhood we live in. But then…

Week three of quarantine turned into week four. And week four turned into week five. WEEK FIVE. We are nearly on to week six. SIX! Six weeks of quarantine life and I’m starting to forget what “normal” ever was. I finished a few books, completed my 1000-piece puzzle, have written up a storm, spent way too much time with my husband and even my dog and I are just looking at each other like… “oh hey… you again.” 

Stay Sane in Quarantine

Needless to say the initial excitement (optimism?) I felt the first few weeks of quarantine has waned. The original goal of my quarantine has shifted from frivolous: “this will be such a wonderful exploration of the simpler life” to a more necessary: “if I don’t do these things for myself I will become a Quarantine-zilla.” Please find what’s (mostly) working for me below. 


These days our devices are abuzz with the latest news, texts and virtual game night invites from friends and family, endless work updates, and more. It’s important for me to spend part of every day without being at the beck and call of my devices. I know, I know! It’s easier said than done (I literally hide my phone so that it’s out of sight). Working from home seems to open up hours of our time – and what better way to spend them than by sharing IG stories, searching for the best GIFs, checking Twitter, and texting every single person we know? This is a great time to reconnect with ourselves, enjoy some solitude, and challenge our minds. Order a puzzle, pick up an old book, or craft with literally whatever you have lying around your house. The mental refresh will feel amazing. 

Get A Sweat On

Getting outside is especially important as the weeks pass and we begin to memorize every nook, cranny, and cobweb in our homes. In addition to a daily break for fresh air, why not take advantage of the abundance of free online workouts hosted by gyms (and friends!) around the country? Doing something new will pull you out of your Groundhog’s day doom and challenge your muscle memory. Plus, the endorphin boost I get afterward is always worth slugging from my couch to closet to put a sports bra on. So give it a go – whether it’s belly laugh yoga, a barre class, or a hip hop dance workout – and enjoy the break from monotony.

Call Around 

For many of us, the internet is our go-to source for life right now, but remember it’s not that way for everyone. It’s a privilege to have most things we need at our fingertips. Is there a relative or old friend that’s been on your mind (for years, maybe), who you’ve never taken the time to check in on? Now is that time. Priority goes to those folks who are stuck inside without the option of leaving their homes or jumping online to partake in the virtual collective. If you know any new parents, check in on them, too. A thirty minute phone call would mean the world. We have the opportunity to give that gift – don’t wait!

Send Snail Mail

Sure, it might be extra snaily right now given that the postal service is working double time, but that’s no excuse to not partake in this old-timey tradition. Whether you have cards and stationary on hand is irrelevant, you could literally send anything as long as you have an envelope (which you can fashion out of most materials). Get creative with markers, stickers, stock cards, and add some glitter if you’re feeling a little cheeky. Play some music and zone out as you pen your heart out. Write up a faux journal entry, include some recipes, or just make a list of all the things you look forward to doing with your recipient when you can (even if it’s at a distance of six-feet). Everyone loves to get mail, especially when they least expect it. 

Prioritize Self-Care

Above all, make time for self-care no matter what. No. Matter. What. There is absolutely no reason we can’t find thirty minutes to an hour in our days to tune out from the demands of life and needs of our loved ones and just breathe. Relax. Lie in bed. Engage with something thought-provoking. Tend to our physical needs. Make a delicious lunch for one. Visit our blog on self-care for some tips for making the most of this time. This is our time to reconnect, dive deep, and evaluate the lives we’re leading. Take some inventory and make a plan to change whatever you’re not satisfied with. That is the ultimate self-care. If I skip self-care, everyone in the house feels it.

Let It Out

Make sure you have a support system that you can rely on. Venting to a friend or spouse can help – as long as it stays in productive territory without venturing into… misery inviting company for a long chat. Online therapists are becoming more relevant than ever. There are a few that even offer guarantees you’ll find someone you really connect with. Outside of external resources, I’ve found solace in journaling, sketching, or meditative coloring.  Now is the time to document – and process – what we’re going through! You’ll appreciate having the recorded history at a later day and you’ll get a lot off your chest in the process. 

This quarantine is no joke; the rollercoaster of emotions is running at an all-time high for all of us. Show yourself some love when you’re having a great day and permission to just get through on those bad days. Keep gratitude close as a reminder of all that we still have to be thankful for. Whatever you’re going through – it’s totally normal. 

Let me know what’s helping you stay sane through quarantine. Leave a comment below!

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