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Intentional Living: The 4 Principles Of A Purposeful, Authentic Life

Intentional living is one of those buzz phrases that gets thrown around all the time.

The concept of intentional living certainly seems straightforward. But when you try to put it into practice… well, it can suddenly seem a little vague. 

Intentional living is an ongoing journey. It doesn’t happen overnight and it’s never “complete”. It’s a vehicle we ride in on our pursuit of personal growth.

It requires self- awareness, taking regular inventory of your life, and a commitment to making changes to improve your experience.

Your best intentions will always come from within. Your intention is tucked around your actions, goals, thoughts, successes, struggles, and motivations. The more you rely on fueling intention from within, the more sustainable you’ll be on your journey. 

Living a life in an attempt to please others or achieve external validation is not sustainable. You’ll feel out of whack because you’re not leading with your authentic self.

Think of intentional living as a holistic approach to peace of mind, wellbeing, owning your agency as a woman, and pursuing the things that excite you most. It’s a playbook that’s so simple to follow but delivers maximum reward. You’ll become more actionable and less “life just happens”.  

Sounds good right? 

Read on to align with the four main principles of intentional living!

principles of intentional living

The 4 Principles Of A Purposeful, Authentic Life

1. Get Straight About What You Stand For

Time to revisit the old philosophy books and take a step inside your own mind. Fine-tune that moral compass of yours and get comfortable thinking about some heavy stuff.

What do you fundamentally believe in?

What are your principles, your truths that you just won’t ever compromise on?

Who or what do you care about?

Think about what adds value to your life, and what takes it away.

Who do you want to be in 20 years?

What is right and what is wrong?

Think of the experiences, feelings, and desires you dream of pursuing. Deep introspection will help you get sorted on the core beliefs, principles, and goals that will guide your intention day in and day out.

This inner knowledge will be your foundation for intentional living.

2. Show People Who You Are

Now that you’ve illuminated and defined what you stand for, it’s time to show people exactly who you are! Authenticity is a pillar of intentional living. Daring to stay true to not only your beliefs and values but also your unique personality, quirks, and character isn’t easy. We can so often find ourselves in situations where it would be easier for us to bend to a set of circumstances or someone else’s will.

How many times have you kept an opinion to yourself?

Or, regretfully, not stood up for what was right?

How about trying to blend in instead of standing out?

Owning who you are is not just crucial for a life full of intention, but for one of fulfillment and happiness, too. When you ditch your inner critic and present the true you, you’ll set an example for everyone else.

You might even find people more frequently following your lead, trusting your judgment, and turning to you for support. All because you show up as the most authentic version of yourself! #winning

3. Put Your Best Interests First

Part of living intentionally is becoming comfortable being the strongest advocate for your wellbeing that you can be. Putting your best interests first doesn’t necessarily mean you’re prioritizing your needs over the needs of others.

What it does mean is that you listen to that inner compass as it tries to guide you toward good decision-making.

Will this next choice help you move toward your best future self or hinder your progress?

How are you going to feel about it afterward?

Will you look back and wish you’d made a wiser choice?

Learning to honor future success before it even arrives is a huge part of intentional living. Like “dress for the job you want” – make choices that design the life you want!

4. Pursue Your Purpose

Intentional living is rooted in introspection; a constant cycle of doing, questioning, adjusting, and committing.

So, it’s helpful to have a major goal that sits like a lighthouse on the shore of the rocky seas you’re navigating through. Something like… purpose. (Is there a more daunting word?)

It may not be possible for everyone to claim a sole purpose for their ever-evolving lives. But even having an idea of what you want to glean from this human experience is a great starting point!

Consider what’s meaningful to you, what pursuits might keep you engaged, fired up, or curious. Stay open to detours and think creatively, challenging yourself to never settle. 

Intentional living, after all, is designed to help us become better every day. Set reasonable expectations, remain accountable, and commit to your worth.

When you remain authentic to your purpose your life will change, in ways you hoped for and in ways you may never have expected.

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