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10 Ways To Be A Better Friend To The Women In Your Life

Cultivating Beauty in Our Relationships

There’s only one thing better than a rock solid female friend who has our backs no matter what… and that’s being that friend.

These days so much of our collective feminine power comes from the relationships we build with other women. There’s nothing more motivating or uplifting than #womensupportingwomen.

Especially after we’ve moved through decades of cultural and societal shifts to get to a place where we can focus on empowering and embracing the women around us instead of being set up to compete against one another. 

That said, not all female friendships and relationships are created equal.

Some are effortless, as instinctual as salt water creeping up a sandy shore, while others might require a little more work – think an arduous hike that has its peaks and valleys.

Regardless of where you stand with your girlfriends, there’s always room to level up and show up as you support your sisters on their paths to brighteousness. (Who doesn’t love a good pun?)

The 10 tips below will help you become more present, positive, and fulfilled in your female friendships.

Pay attention to the items that naturally jump out at you and focus on them first! 

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1. Express Genuine Interest

We all benefit from those friendships that offer a safe space to unload our life’s problems.

Make sure though, that your relationship is fair and equitable for both parties.

Take time to proactively ask about your girl’s day or invite her out for an activity you know she loves. It’s the little gestures of care and thoughtfulness that strengthen a bond over time.

You’ll end up creating a mutual support system that stands the test of time.

2. Read Her Body Language

Knowing how to tune into someone’s needs or feelings based on body language is a bit of a gift and a skill. It comes in handy because it allows you to pivot the conversation or action accordingly based on unspoken queues.

Whether a friend is feeling uncomfortable in a certain situation or prickled slightly at the joke you just made, being observant will help you best respond to her needs. 

3. Check In On Her

One of the best parts of female friendship is having an accountability partner.

Checking-in on her daily to-do’s or inquiring about important updates will make your friend feel well taken care of!

Plus, it lets her know that whatever’s going on in her life is important to you. 

4. Find Your Rhythm

Every relationship thrives in a different ‘connectivity zone’. Some are all-in and intense while others fare best on a low simmer at a distance. Feel out the energy your friendship needs on an ongoing basis and adjust accordingly.

Valuable friendships aren’t about conforming to a specific mold but instead honoring the dynamic that bring out the best in both of you.

Embrace the fluidity and find that sweet spot where both of your energies and needs align.

5. Support Her Relationships

When we get attached to a particular person it can be difficult to see them thrive in their other friendships. Especially if they don’t include you… and especially if you’re not a big fan of her friend or partner.

Learning to tame jealousy will go a long way in maintaining a lasting friendship.

Remember that support and positivity abundantly flow if we let it; there’s plenty of space for you to encourage her relationships while preserving your unique bond. 

6. Respect Her Time

One of the major markers of a great friendship is mutual respect. One of the biggest pet peeves people have is their time being wasted.

So if you’re up-leveling your friend game, make sure to be mindful of the clock.

Waiting for someone to arrive beyond a scheduled time can feel pretty disappointing – and disrespectful.

Unless your friend has made it explicitly clear they’re okay with it (which is unlikely) prioritize arriving on time.

7. Accept Her For Her

Let her freak flag fly high!

The best part about finding a soul sister in this weird, crazy world is feeling like someone really gets you.

Embrace the unique spirit your girlfriend brings to your relationship – for better or worse.

She’ll likely follow suit, mirror your attitude, and make you feel just as unconditionally loved in your skin. 

8. Get Deeper

Being vulnerable and raw is hard, even with those closest to us.

Dare to explore the rich soil under some of your surface-layer relationships by getting vulnerable, sharing your story, and expecting acceptance.

When you push beyond the limits of your current connection you’ll both benefit from an honest, longer-lasting bond. 

Editor's Pick

9. Honor Her Trust

It’s not everyday we find great people we want to share the lesser-known parts of our realities with.

So when a friend confides in you, take her faith in your relationship seriously. Don’t trespass against any boundaries with her sacred information.

Show her that she can trust you by keeping her secrets as well as your own. 

10. Have Honest Conversation

Every relationship should contain a channel of accountability that helps identify potential obstacles while encouraging growth.

Navigate through your female friendships prioritizing the same level of communication you normally reserve for an intimate partner.

Openly and mutually express your needs to create a friendship that can withstand turbulence. (Read this post for info on setting healthy boundaries in toxic friendships).

Accept constructive criticism and, likewise, offer guidance if your friend is in need of a little motivation or encouragement. 

There are endless ways we can continue to improve our relationships and become better BFFs. Taking inventory of your role in your friendships and implementing some of the tips above is a great place to start.

You’ll be more inclined to receive the positivity and effort that you put out into the world.

As you work on yourself you’ll see your relationships flourish and become more rewarding for you, too!

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