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How To Love Yourself: 16 Ways To Nurture Your Mind & Body

16 Ways To Love Yourself

Learning how to fully love yourself can be a lifelong journey.

It’s can be easy to give your love to others – even if they’re not deserving of it. Unfortunately, it can be even easier to forget to save some love for yourself. Learning to embrace and nurture your thoughts, feelings, physical body, energy, motivations, fears, and capabilities is the ultimate goal.

Is it achievable? Maybe not fully – but the alternative to trying is giving up on yourself. And you’re not here to do that.

Someone once said “nobody hates us as much as we hate ourselves”. And it couldn’t be truer.

I mean, who’s experienced…






Every woman has their own experiences with these unproductive thought-storms. Collectively, we probably have millions of reasons and ways we can go about hating and doubting ourselves. But today, you’re here to break the cycle.

This doesn’t mean you won’t experience shame again. Or that you’ll never have moments of low self-esteem. The aim here is to build up enough positive habits and compassionate internal dialogue that you strike a healthy balance of the two. The more you nurture, the less you feel down.

There are so many ways you can lean into positive self-love, but for the sake of time, let’s start with sixteen. Sixteen ways to better love yourself: lean into the ones that speak to you the most.

How To Love Yourself: Set Yourself Free


Give up justifications, over-explanations, and “reasons why” for one full day. You are full, whole, and worthy. You don’t need to come up with reasons for being, living, or making the choices you make – for yourself or for others. Try to quiet this internal chatter for one day, and see how it impacts you.


Allow yourself to be full-bellied and happy at the same time. Sinking into a satisfying meal isn’t just good for the stomach, it’s good for the senses and the soul, too. Bonus points if you take the time to cook a thoughtful meal for yourself. Eat heartily and with gratitude for the opportunity to enjoy delicious, nutritious food.


Write down a secret “this will never, ever happen” dream that no one else knows about. Even if your dream seems unattainable (like winning the lottery), give it validation by putting it on paper. This baby step can reinforce, at minimum, that your dreams are worthwhile. If you don’t win the lottery, maybe your drive for wealth will show up as a motivator in how you work, create, and do business.


Yell wildly, loudly, and freely just as reminder that you can. You are a part of a long lineage of spiritual, divine, brave women. And underneath our exteriors, we are just animals. Sometimes, taking yourself for a drive and yelling in your car can be the best way to shed extra stress and reconnect with your voice.

How To Love Yourself: Embrace Your Body


Look at your body in the mirror with the kindest, most accepting gaze. Your body is the vessel for your very being, your essence, your soul. It’s not always easy to love and accept everything about it, but you can certainly be kind to it. Give it a little patience, even. Encourage your body. She works so hard for you, she deserves the love. (Get my guide to Body Positivity & Affirmations for some serious inspiration).


Quench your skin’s thirst with a nice cream or lotion, paying extra attention to those little cracks and nooks you usually overlook. Practicing mindfulness with your bodily care will help bring you into the present moment. Hopefully, along the way, you can acknowledge the different, brilliant ways each part of your body has served you in your lifetime.


Study your hands and think about all of the beautiful, messy, magical things they’ve created. We’re constantly using our hands throughout the day and they get so little love in return. Take some time to appreciate the wrinkles, curves, scars, and sun spots on the skin of your hands. They’ve gifted you a life of touch and texture and the ability to create.


Have a glass of water right when you wake up – and seven more glasses throughout the day. Staying hydrated is one of the best ways to prevent headaches and care for your physical body. Spend a week or so upping your water game (you might even consider taking a break from alcohol), and your body will thank you.

How To Love Yourself: Use Boundaries With Others


Sett a boundary with someone who has recently hurt your feelings or disrespected you. Boundaries, whether with friends or in a relationship, are the #1 defense you have between yourself and the world. Embrace them: the more you set them, the more confident you’ll feel in your power.


Claim something as your own that you don’t have to share with anyone. Whether it’s a dessert, a solo movie night, or time and space alone somewhere at home, this is so important. As women, we’re often stuck in a people-pleasing cycle that can leave little room for solitude and self-care. Put yourself first.


State what you need openly and matter-of-factly. This ties back into the first act of self-love. You don’t need to over-explain your needs or decisions. Simply ask for them, and see what happens. The worst you can hear is no – but you’ll feel damn good advocating for yourself. Another esteem boost!

How To Love Yourself: Pursue What You Need


Crawl into bed to cuddle up with your favorite pet or with a book, no matter the time of day. Sometimes a girl just needs to rest. Giving yourself permission to take a little downtime is a great way to love yourself. After all, you can’t pour from an empty cup. So take a thirty minute break to fill it back up.


Say no to an invitation simply because you have more interesting things to do. Or because you just don’t want to go and hate feeling obligated. Relieve yourself of the pressure of always showing up: it can be taxing, tiring, and totally unproductive. Especially if you don’t value how you’re spending your time.


Make time for activities that add real value to your life. What are some of your favorite creative hobbies? How do you like to spend time outdoors? No matter how busy you are, carving out time for enjoyment and play are crucial to a healthy mind-body-spiritual relationship. Say “I love you” to self by investing your time in what makes you feel whole.

How To Love Yourself: Accepting Yourself


Try something new and be completely okay if you don’t love it or excel at it. This is one of the best ways to build true confidence and self-esteem. Stepping out of your comfort zone will remind you that life is here to be your playground. Explore, enjoy, mess up, and try it all again. (Want to challenge yourself while having a blast? Take an improv class at your local comedy club).


Let yourself be imperfect… and dare to think you’re probably pretty great exactly that way. What if you gave yourself a break from the criticism and took a moment to recognize what a beautiful person you are? Just as you are, without a changing a thing? You’re a work in progress, as we all are, and loving yourself in the present moment will never be energy wasted. So, go all in!

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